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Sprite are animated object which can be used for most elements of a game. Read more explanations about it.


Animated object which can be used for most elements of a game

Object actions

Change the animation
Change the animation of the object, using the animation number in the animations list.

Animation speed scale
Modify the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).

Blend mode
Change the number of the blend mode of an object.
The default blend mode is 0 (Normal).

Tint color
Change the tint of an object. The default color is white.

Change the height of a Sprite object.

Modify the scale of the specified object.

Scale on Y axis
Modify the scale of the height of an object.

Scale on X axis
Modify the scale of the width of an object.

Current frame
Modify the current frame of the object

Change the width of a Sprite object.

Flip the object horizontally
Flip the object horizontally

Flip the object vertically
Flip the object vertically

Sprite opacity
Change the opacity of a Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).

Pause the animation
Pause the animation of the object

Play the animation
Play the animation of the object

Change the animation (by name)
Change the animation of the object, using the name of the animation.

Change the size of an object.

Object conditions

Animation paused
Check if the animation of an object is paused.

Current animation
Compare the number of the animation played by the object.

Animation finished
Check if the animation being played by the Sprite object is finished.

Current animation name
Check the animation by played by the object.

Blend mode
Compare the number of the blend mode currently used by an object

Horizontally flipped
Check if the object is horizontally flipped

Vertically flipped
Check if the object is vertically flipped

Compare the height of a Sprite object.

Compare the opacity of a Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).

Scale on Y axis
Compare the scale of the height of an object.

Scale on X axis
Compare the scale of the width of an object.

Current frame
Compare the index of the current frame in the animation displayed by the specified object. The first frame in an animation starts at index 0.

Compare the width of a Sprite object.

Object expressions

Expression Description
Object.Animation() Animation of the object
Object.AnimationFrameCount() Number of frames in the current animation of the object
Object.AnimationName() Name of the animation of the object
Object.AnimationSpeedScale() Animation speed scale
Object.Opacity() Opacity
Object.PointX(objectPointName) X position of a point
objectPointName Name of the point
Object.PointY(objectPointName) Y position of a point
objectPointName Name of the point
Object.ScaleX() Scale of the width of an object
Object.ScaleY() Scale of the height of an object
Object.Sprite() Current frame of the animation of the object

This page is an auto-generated reference page about the Sprite feature of GDevelop, the open-source, cross-platform game engine designed for everyone. Learn more about all GDevelop features here.